Friday, June 14, 2013


Heyo, friends!  I'm just too excited not to post.  I've been unemployed for almost 2 months now, with job opportunities on the horizon (yay) but I'm also glad to announce you can actually see part of what I've been working on for the past 2 months!

In reality, the first month was mainly unpacking and doing boring but much-needed repairs and chores (sprinkler system which was all Stephen, a thousand loads of laundry, installing new appliances, painting a couple rooms, replacing outdated light fixtures, dusting, etc).  But this past month I've been focused on just one room, and in my opinion, the most important one - KITCHEN!



Our totally 100% DIY updates:
Scraped popcorn ceiling ($free-ish)
Replaced kitchen faucet (it was ICKY) ($60)
Replaced all appliances (got the funds built into the sales contract) ($free)
Replaced the hard-wired fan over the stove with an overhead range (including patching the wall and installing outlet) ($5 for wall patch)
Primed, painted, added hardware, and put glass in cabinets (by far the most time consuming thing) ($180)
Painted walls ($20)
Replaced the outlets and switches with white ones to update the look (there are a couple not done in the pics above.... waiting on parts) ($25)
Replaced fluorescent with track lighting ($50 - $10 from sale of old fixture = $40)
Replaced the ugliest light I have ever seen with a pendant and added a second pendant ($60)
Built the cute island (all Stephen's doing, put I stained and painted) ($100?)

Can you believe that?  The entire remodel for under $500!! Of course, this also takes into account we had paint brushes, spackle, wood filler, etc all on hand.

And that was the exciting part of the post.  But I'm just going to spill my guts here, so feel free to keep reading.

Do you have any idea how much it costs just to have someone install them for you?!?!  Minimum, $99.  So, we may have spent hours on a dishwasher, and who knows how long on the range?  But I am proud that we not only saved the moolah but learned a lot on the process.

Our biggest problem in the kitchen was (and still kind of is) the lack of natural light.  The dining room right next to the kitchen has a sliding door, but it's not enough - even during the daytime, I have the kitchen lights on.  The dark cabinets were not doing anything to help... plus they were in CRUMMY shape (finish was worn off since there was no hardware, and 25 years of grime was covering them).  So, they had to go.  Originally I wanted to paint them green... but upon consulting my mother (who is very good at decorating and visualizing things, which I found I am not) she pointed me in the right direction.  I can't imagine them being any other color now!

This job was AWFUL.  Clean, prime, sand, prime, sand, paint, sand, paint... blah blah blah blah

As for paint color... I just really wanted a green kitchen!  I had selected a color that Stephen actually agreed with... then lost the color sample, but surely, I would recognize it in the store!  But after searching for the color I thought I would remember, it was a lost cause.  So, with Stephen by my side, we chose a color... it was a compromise.  He likes much brighter colors than I do.  But somehow he "won" this compromise, because I wasn't expecting it to be this bright! I go back and forth on whether I like it or not - it feels a little beachy - but it brightens up a dark kitchen, so I'm leaving it for now.
we're still waiting to replace one of the doors... we have a broken hinge situation
Glass in the cabinets was kind of a pain in the butt, just because we don't have a router and we had 2 caulk guns break on us!  But it's cheap and not that hard - and it made the ceilings look much taller.

Let me show you a little trick for something called INSTANT UPDATE...
See that?  We are about to replace the GFCI (cheaper online so it came in yesterday) - but the phone jack and outlet we already did.  See how much newer the kitchen looks?  So inexpensive and SO much better!  And, it's kind of fun being an electrician, I think... :)

Also, you can buy some of this at the Habitat ReStore for WAY cheap - we got some $3 switches for 30 cents!  And you can donate your old stuff, so someone can replace a broken one.

So anyway... I love the new kitchen.  It's a place I actually want to be! And, since I have so much time at home lately, I have really started to enjoy cooking - tonight it's cranberry chicken and fresh green bean casserole.  And banana chocolate chip bread for dessert! (or maybe right now...)  YUM!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A letter to my states

New Mexico,
You're not so bad - in that it's liveable here.  The only redeeming quality so far has been that I'm living with my husband in a home we've purchased.  It's been fun remodeling but days like today, I'm a little sick of it.  And while I enjoy making Stephen lunch in the mornings, once I get to my third load of laundry in a week I have a feeling of worthlessness.  I have no income, and while I should be enjoying the time off, chores are the only thing I can do to help from feeling like a drain on our small family.  Wasn't I meant for more than this?  2 weeks ago I was building my 2nd power plant, and today I'm reduced to laundry and making sure the lawn gets watered. I have a feeling you've plenty more to offer me but I just haven't seen it yet.  I'm hopeful. Oh but what's this about since I'm only 24 I have to pay for a drunk driving course before you'll give me a license?  Give me a break.  Your DMV (or MVD as you call it) is worse than NC's.

Ever since some drunk tried to get into "his" (my) apartment at 1am, I haven't slept without having a panic attack at least once a night.  I jump at every sound, even during the day.  I can no longer cherish my alone time because I have a feeling I am never alone.  Texas, I don't forgive you. I had high hopes and now I'm never coming back.

I doubt I'll be back to live there.  But you make it hard to be content in Alamogordo.  I want you back.  I didn't realize how good I had it until I left.  Almost everyday I find something new I miss about you.

Today, I remembered how I never had to stand in line and uncomfortable amount of time to buy groceries.
Earlier this week, I missed my friends. I've spoken with 3 of them in the past week - like you're taunting me with relationships I long for.
Day 1, I miss Target.
I miss any kind night life that wasn't Chili's.
I miss my job.
I miss knowing my way around.
I miss the DMV.  No, seriously.
I miss not having to shop at Walmart.
I miss pools EVERYWHERE.
I miss having everything I could ever want within a 20 mile radius - merchandise or gyms, casinos or clubs.
I miss the feeling of safety I had there.  I know I'm theoretically in a much safer city now, but I don't feel like it.
I miss being able to entertain visitors.
I miss Chipotle - and every restaraunt that isn't Applebee's or Chili's.
I miss being able to smoke in bars/casinos (not that I did, but I enjoyed people enjoying their freedoms)
I miss having stuff to do during the day, everyday, even if it was just work 6 days/wk.
I miss feeling like I have a purpose.
I know it's been 4 months now but there is rarely a day that goes by without thoughts of you.

North Carolina - it's been real.  Even though it's a dream of ours to end up back there, I have my doubts, and you'll probably just be a vacation spot from now on.  Stephen says we will live there before our kids go to college (so they can get in-state tuition to NCSU) so there's still hope I guess.

Shoutout to you, SC, it was real while it lasted.  And IL, you were cool but way too cold.


New Housewife Emma

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The "Promised Land"

I honestly thought Texas would be The Promised Land.  Guns, Land, Freedom.  Fast speed limits.  Truly, that's all I want for my life.  To be able to have land and shoot people who trespass.  But, instead I am faced with cramped traffic, brown grass, and bad hair days.  Sigh.

It's not so bad here. I have a nice apartment with a sweet roommate who has quickly become a friend. My job is fine. But basically, it's just a countdown to moving in with Stephen...


Unfortunately the cars are not included.

We get to move in at the end of the month (this is in New Mexico, by the way), and we are extremely excited.  I won't be moving in until the summer, which gives Stephen lots of time to do some repairs before I get there. :)  I see lots of HGTV in my future....

Stephen made his first trek to Texas this weekend for some Valentine's Day/6 month anniversary/3 yr dating anniversary... IT WAS AWESOME.  We saw a dumb movie (Identity Thief), cooked lots of amazing food, and just got to enjoy each other's company.  You know, be married.  And it was awesome.

That's all for now.  Maybe next time I blog I'll be in New Mexico!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

I want to know a song can rise

I'm on the floor of my empty apartment, waiting for the movers to finish packing the truck.  Same floor, different emotions as this post.  The excitement isn't really present today.  If you look even further back in the posts, you'll see one about leaving NC.  While I am nowhere as attached to Vegas, the move is still really hard for me.  Constant tears and doubt that God will take care of me.

But then I remember - I ended up liking Vegas... a lot! I have friends, a  husband, and my own place.... win win win.  I'm just afraid of unknown.  But what is known is that I will be alright.

SO here goes the life update!
Stephen moved to New Mexico 7 days ago.
I am moving to Texas tomorrow.
Beyond that, I am afraid to say plans out loud, because I fear I'll jinx them, but the plan is for me to move to New Mexico (Alamogordo to be exact) after the job assignment.

I won't get into the whole thought process of why we decided to move apart, but I will say it is TEMPORARY and it was also a rushed decision, full of gaps that have only halfway been filled since the decision was made. Did we make the wrong choice?  I think maybe.  Time will tell.  But still my Savior loves me, and I'll be just fine.  I have to say it out loud a lot or I forget sometimes.


Dear Vegas (as opposed to G-Vegas),

You surprised me.  People used to say to me, "I can't imagine living anywhere else!"  Please, I would think to myself.  You obviously haven't lived yet.  The desert is ugly.  The mob founded this city.  People weren't meant to live here.

But actually, I get it now.  You're just so.... convenient.  You're a grid system. You've got 5 Subway restaurants within a 2 mile radius of my apartment.  All grocery stores are 24 hours.  You made living selfishly so incredibly easy. And who doesn't want to live like that?

But Vegas, it is not with a heavy heart that I say farewell.  Perhaps I will come visit sometime.  I really didn't mind the summer heat, and certainly not the absence of mosquitos.  I look forward to seeing you again, but I'm ok taking a break for a while.

Bye, Vegas.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tired of tires

I can't believe I used to think these were stupid!!!!
-Stephen on electric blankets

This trip has not been my first encounter with a flat tire in the dark in the middle of nowhere.  There was a time a couple years ago, 2 hours from SC and 2 hours from Raleigh, on a highway without street lights, at midnight, and my tire blew.  I think I could have changed it, but I didn't have any source of light that would allow me to even see which tire was flat.  I felt my way around each tire, and frantically waited through the music for AAA to pick up the phone.  Before they did, an officer pulled up, and changed my tire for me.  I held the flashlight.  He was black, and had braces.  He was really grumpy but I can't think of what I would have done without him that night.  My dad gave me a flashlight to keep in my car so this wouldn't happen again.

Unfortunately, you never "get used" to blowing tires in the dark in the middle of nowhere.  It's always unexpected, unpleasant, and inconvenient.  And for me, on long car rides.  So I was less than happy when it blew 55 miles into my 130 mile trip to see Stephen for one night before each of us move to different states this week.  Do you know what is 55 miles outside of Las Vegas?  Desert.  That's. It.

I called Stephen and he tried to calm me down - he later told me the story of how in Elko, NV it is so cold they leave their trucks running all day in the parking lot so it's not cold when they get into them.  My husband, the Environmentalist.  That's unrelated to the story, but folks, please don't do that.

So, I scrambled for the flashlight. But it wasn't in the console.  What had I done with it??  Shoot I took it to work.  I could visualize it in my safety vest pocket.  Stupid Emma.

I had a dying phone with a flashlight app.  It would work.  I found the car jack, and even though my car was already leaning down the shoulder (it was slanted), I still jacked up the higher side of my car successfully.  Then my phone went dead.

I have a car charger, but it would take a while for the phone to charge enough to use the flashlight.  I decided to search through the console again.  While I was outside, God had put it back in there.  Praise Him.  I have absolutely no other explanation.

Now folks, I've actually been going to the gym this year, but I haven't really worked my arms in... well ever.  I'm lucky to lift my carry-on luggage all the way up in the overhead compartments.  So loosening lug nuts was a challenge.  I began standing on the thing you use to loosen them (lug wrench? whatever) and nothing happened!  Then I began bouncing up and down, trying to loosen those stupid lug nuts... not really thinking that if I fell backwards, I would have been roadkill (speed limit was 75mph!).  But I actually got them all off!

And then, after I did the hard part, people pulled up and helped me. Very sweet.  Even gave me their phone number in case I had any more trouble.

Do you know how long you can drive on a donut?  I don't, but I had already gone 60 miles...  I didn't want to make the whole trip home on them too!  And, I have stupid weird size sports tires.  I went through the same thing with my last car. YOU HAVE TO ORDER THEM, NOWHERE STOCKS THEM.  There were 3 places open on Sunday in St. George - the first 2 were no dice.  And the 3rd happened to have TWO in stock.  It's like God is following me around with a big sack like Santa, just constantly handing me gifts.

Just another example of how God takes care of us.  In Stephen's words, "I can't wait to spend many more years of these situations with you!" ... I'm choosing to take that in the sweet "I want to help you" way and not the "I want to laugh at all these situations that happen to you!" kind of way.  Because there was a lot of laughing going on!  :) 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I retract my whining

Well, perhaps I was too tired to be whining last night.  I apologize for my ungrateful tone!  Fact is, I have a job I like, I get paid for, and so does Stephen.  No matter what happens, we'll end up living together, and we have a faithful Savior and Friend, who will give us what we need, nothing less!  I heard Laura Story's "Blessings" on the radio on the way home and was instantly humbled by her words that feels like my life lately:

                                    We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
                                  We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your word is not enough
And all the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

So, I'm thankful.  And no matter what, I am His, and His plan for me is a masterpiece.  No more anxious tears from this girl!  Just excited for His plan to be revealed!

Eenie Meenie Minee Moe


and coming soon...


Indulging my selfish theory that you're intrigued by our lives, I'll go ahead and answer your questions I'm sure you have.

1.  Where are you going to live?
     Sorry, can't let you get away with a short answer here.  I need to share the "excitement" of this roller coaster we've been on.  There are times when I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.  Stephen just laughs and tells me I'm the thrill seeker so he's surprised I'm not more excited.

In complete seriousness, this is how it goes.  The most excitement is the most recent.  Maybe it doesn't make sense to anyone else, but try to keep up.  Day 1 refers to the day we started talking about moving... sometime in December.  My last day is JANUARY 20!

Day 1: Please move to LA for a boring job
Day 8: If you move to LA we will hire your husband
Day 15: Since you don't want a boring job in LA, we're sorry to see you go (says HR)
Day 16: Site manager says no! We love you! we'll find you a better job in Texas!
Day 19: Stephen gets calls from HR asking him questions about moving for his job (no location provided)
Day 20: Are you sure about LA?  What about the east coast?
Day 20 afternoon: Maybe we'll extend you to the end of the month here in Vegas.
Day 21 morning: Sorry, Texas won't work out.  What about middle of nowhere, Tennessee?
Day 21 afternoon: I think Texas will work out, let's talk in my office on Day 23.
Day 21 later:  Stephen gets told he is ready to be promoted (still no location!)

HOW IS THIS HAPPENING.  Seriously, we wait for NINE MONTHS for Stephen to get promoted, and they have to choose the EXACT WEEKEND I have to make a decision on my job?! This is unreal.  Am I supposed to laugh? To cry?  Crack under stress?  I don't know.  I don't want to think about it, but how can you STOP thinking about it?  Whatever.  I'm going to bed.