Saturday, January 5, 2013

Eenie Meenie Minee Moe


and coming soon...


Indulging my selfish theory that you're intrigued by our lives, I'll go ahead and answer your questions I'm sure you have.

1.  Where are you going to live?
     Sorry, can't let you get away with a short answer here.  I need to share the "excitement" of this roller coaster we've been on.  There are times when I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.  Stephen just laughs and tells me I'm the thrill seeker so he's surprised I'm not more excited.

In complete seriousness, this is how it goes.  The most excitement is the most recent.  Maybe it doesn't make sense to anyone else, but try to keep up.  Day 1 refers to the day we started talking about moving... sometime in December.  My last day is JANUARY 20!

Day 1: Please move to LA for a boring job
Day 8: If you move to LA we will hire your husband
Day 15: Since you don't want a boring job in LA, we're sorry to see you go (says HR)
Day 16: Site manager says no! We love you! we'll find you a better job in Texas!
Day 19: Stephen gets calls from HR asking him questions about moving for his job (no location provided)
Day 20: Are you sure about LA?  What about the east coast?
Day 20 afternoon: Maybe we'll extend you to the end of the month here in Vegas.
Day 21 morning: Sorry, Texas won't work out.  What about middle of nowhere, Tennessee?
Day 21 afternoon: I think Texas will work out, let's talk in my office on Day 23.
Day 21 later:  Stephen gets told he is ready to be promoted (still no location!)

HOW IS THIS HAPPENING.  Seriously, we wait for NINE MONTHS for Stephen to get promoted, and they have to choose the EXACT WEEKEND I have to make a decision on my job?! This is unreal.  Am I supposed to laugh? To cry?  Crack under stress?  I don't know.  I don't want to think about it, but how can you STOP thinking about it?  Whatever.  I'm going to bed.

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