Dear Stephen,
I got a paperclip stuck in my hair at work today. I almost forgot about it, but I felt it when I got home and tried to get it out. I wish you could have seen me, concentrating with my eyes closed, trying to unweave the puzzle in the back of my head. I know that if you were here, you'd help me untangle it.... after laughing a lot, but still.
And while I don't get paperclips stuck in my hair often... or ever... the thought of your willingness to help me excites me. I love that my embarrassing situations can become your priority to solve, your chance to be my hero (but it's ok - I got the paperclip thing down now). And it's not just the little things by any means - it just shows that down to a problem the size of a paperclip, you want to be there to help. I know I'll be able to count on you for everything the Lord has planned for us.
I miss you so much, but in a way, I am glad you aren't here with me this week. I'm so full of happy, nervous, and nostalgic emotion that I feel every seam of my skin is constantly bursting of butterflies. At the same time, my eyes are red because, you know, I just cry a lot. And when I cry around you, you just hold me - even though you may not understand it all (neither do I) you're there to try, or at least to comfort. I can't imagine that putting that much effort into a red-faced, snotty-nosed wife will be very fun. So, I figure you have a lifetime of that to deal with... you get a break this week. Live it up!
I wish I could tell you everything I'm feeling right now, but I don't know if there are words for it. I can't sleep, I forget to eat, and all I want to do is imagine saying "I do" (or crying through it) all day long. I don't know if either of us really know what we're in for, but I'm excited to learn it with you! Something tells me that learning about each other, and most importantly, God's love, will be so much more fun than Biochemistry. I know you tried to make that fun, too, but you were outmatched.
I love you, Stephen, and I can't wait to marry you.
Your Future Wife