Monday, January 2, 2012

A Cute Boy I Know

Hello, friends!  I have just returned from spending a blessed 10 days back in NC.  In those 10 days, I saw a million people (only a slight exaggeration) and most of them were wondering why I wasn't blogging.

I don't have a reason.

But now I have a real reason to blog!!! I want to introduce you to this guy:

His name is Stephen.

Most of you know him as Pearsall, or Pearsey (or Pearsy, or Pearsie…).

Many of you know him as Wolphen Packsall.

You may also refer to him as Stevie J (Liquid Sounds not pictured).  

At Christmas, you may recognize him dressed as…. This.

A select few of you may even know him as Blind Fingers Bradley! (Lucky you!)

But NONE of you get to call him what I call him.  And that is….

My fiancĂ©!  J